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NATO Advanced
Research Workshop


Moscow-Volga river, Russia

24-28 May 2001

Participation: mainly by invitation
Location: Russia

Objective : The nature and features of transformations in liquids and glasses are not clear up to date. Moreover, the very possibility of phase transitions in topologically disordered substanses except for trivial boiling is under discussion. Some progress in this field of physics have been achieved lately when the first reliable theoretical and experimental evidences for phase transitions in liquids and glasses were obtained. In spite of fundamental and applied importance of these data, only a few dozens of physicists in the world actively investigate transitions in disordered substances.
The main objective of the Workshop is detailed thorough discussion of state of the art in the field of transformations in disordered substances. Practically all high-level scientists from both NATO and co-partner countries, dealing with the problem in hand will be invited to participate.
As a result of the Workshop, a consistent concept of the new class of phase transitions in disordered condensed substances taking into account all experimental data obtained by different scientific groups, is expected to be developed.


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~ Timetable of the ship "Alexander Griboedov"~ Our boat ~ Workshop~ Photo report

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