Application of high pressures (up to 1.5 GPa) and high temperatures (up to 10000C) makes it possible to preserve completely all physical and mechanical properties of a diamond in the production of tools, to use a new class of wear-resistant binders and soldering compositions, to squeeze as much as possible diamond grains within a binder in the process of manufacturing which improves the working capacity of tools.
Diamond tools, developed and manufactured by the original technology, can be used in various branches of industry, including the prospecting for mineral resources, drilling for oil and gas, etc.
The Institute for High Pressure Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the owner of an industrial technology for producing a wide spectrum of diamond instruments for drilling rocks, exploration and mining of mineral resources, and especially for super deep drilling and drilling in permafrost due to tools’ high strength characteristics. The devised technology is energy-saving, ecologically clean, and cost-effective.
The basic technological scheme: a required amount of pressed powder in a thermoelectric insulating casing with inserted electrical heaters is placed into a high-pressure apparatus of a “cylinder-piston” type with the working parameters of 1.5 GPa and 12500C and the effective volume of up to 3 dm3. The required pressure is generated, and the assembly is heated during 5-10 min by the direct passage of the electrical current.
The application of diamond tools manufactured by the devised technology, which involves the replacement of large natural diamonds and diamond, grinding powders of artificial compacts (the efficient sintering cannot be achieved by other technologies), makes it possible to improve technical and economical characteristics of tools by 1.5-2.0 times, broaden the sphere of the application of diamond tools, especially those made from synthetic diamond materials.
Diamond tools, manufactured by the devised technology, are competitive with best world analogues.
Contact person: Dr. Valentin Ryzhov. E-mail:
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