The apparatus shown in the Figures is designed for the investigations of the materials properties under static and dynamic impact in the wide range and combination of strain rates, strains, temperatures, and pressures. It may be used for the: (1)
Study of the dynamic impact on the advanced materials under high
(up to 10 Kbars) hydrostatic pressure. In this case the external source of the
impact (for instance, the pneumatic gun) is necessary. (2)
Exploration of the thermodynamic properties of substances (including phase
transitions) using the method of adiabatic compression. This method gives the
possibility to determine the complete set of thermodynamic functions of a
substance by measuring the temperature response of the system on the adiabatic
modulation of pressure. (3)
Investigation of a wide spectrum of material properties (mechanical,
thermodynamic, electrical, magnetic, optical) under high hydrostatic pressures
when used as a classic piston-cylinder high pressure device. In addition, the
design of the device provides an option to apply a combination of uniaxial
stress and high hydrostatic pressure to the sample. (4)
Thermobaric (combination of high pressure and high temperature) treatment
of materials. The
device is supplied by the set of high pressure cells which allows the variation
of maximum pressure from 10 Kbars (internal diameter of the cell is 15 cm) to 25
Kbars (internal diameter of the cell is 2 cm) and temperatures up to 1500C. In
the case of using the special high pressure cells the pressure may be increased
up to 100 Kbars.
Contact person: Dr. Valentin Ryzhov ( )
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